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Building A Brighter Future for Education. 

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Born and raised in South Africa, Dr. Linda Vermooten brings a rich cultural background and a deep understanding of diverse perspectives to her candidacy. With a range of educational achievements, including degrees in counseling and psychology, Linda has developed a comprehensive understanding of the complex needs of individuals, families, and communities.


With over 25 years of experience in the mental health field, she has witnessed firsthand the importance of addressing mental health and emotional well-being within the educational system. As a professor and department chair of a master's program in clinical mental health, Linda has mentored and inspired future mental health professionals, emphasizing the role of well-being in the educational experience.​

Linda's passion for education extends beyond the classroom. She firmly stands for life and is dedicated to protecting the innocence of children.  She recognizes that education plays a vital role in shaping their future, and seeks to bring her wealth of experience, deep-rooted values, and commitment to quality education to the Nebraska State Board of Education. With her diverse background, unwavering dedication, and compassionate approach, Linda aims to champion the needs of students, parents, and educators, creating an educational environment that prioritizes excellence and the holistic well-being of Nebraska's young minds.

 A Champion for Our Children 

 "I am dedicated to cultivating exceptional K-12 schools in Nebraska, ensuring safe learning environments free from political interference, and strongly advocating for local control and parental engagement. I am committed to an education system that empowers students, supports families, and upholds American values. Nebraska's education system must be designed to prepare students for successful lives and

well-paying jobs, equipping them with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in the future." 

Cultivating Great K-12 Schools to
Great Jobs & Great Lives for Youth to Thrive

Great Principles & Great Teachers

I support schools that emphasize excellence and parental rights. This includes adopting incentives to reward outstanding educators who inspire and support our students.

Safe, Secure, & Drug-Free Schools

I will advocate for overhauling school discipline standards, supporting immediate suspension for violent students, and hardening school security to prevent violence in our learning environments.

Knowledge & Skills,

Not Indoctrination

I will ensure our children are taught fundamental subjects like Reading, History, Science, and Math, without exposure to political propaganda or revisionist history. Schools engaging in inappropriate political indoctrination using taxpayer dollars should be defunded.

Freedom to Pray

I will champion the First Amendment rights of students to pray in school, standing firm against any violations of religious freedoms in Nebraska's educational institutions.

Prepare Students for
Jobs & Careers

I will focus on education that prepares students for excellent jobs and careers, promoting project-based learning and schools that offer meaningful work experiences. I will challenge politicized education models and support funding for proven career training programs.

Local Control &

Parental Engagement

I will restore and reinforce parental rights in education, ensuring local control allows communities to shape their educational environments. I trust parents to be key partners in their children's education and will enforce civil rights laws to stop discrimination in schools.

Promote Love of Country with Authentic Civics Education

I will advocate for promoting fair and patriotic civics education, and opposing efforts to nationalize civics education. Schools should teach America’s founding principles and Western civilization to foster informed patriotism.

Foundations of Excellence

I strongly support our shared Nebraskan values of hard work, self-reliance, and community. These principles foster personal responsibility, resilience, and a commitment to helping others, creating an educational environment where collaboration, respect, and empathy are central. By integrating these ideals into education, we inspire responsible and compassionate citizens who contribute to society's betterment.

Together, these priorities will create a dynamic and resilient education system that prepares our students for a prosperous future while upholding the core values of our great state and nation.
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