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I strongly support our shared Nebraskan values of hard work, self-reliance, and community. I believe these values foster personal responsibility, resilience, and a commitment to helping others and view these principles as vital for creating an inclusive educational environment where collaboration, respect, and empathy are central. By integrating these ideals into education, we aim to inspire responsible and compassionate citizens who contribute to society's betterment.


​I'm a staunch advocate for local control and parental engagement in our education system. The Nebraska State Board of Education should avoid excessive micromanagement and instead support localized approaches, allowing communities to tailor education to their students' unique needs. This collaborative effort involving parents, teachers, community members, and school board representatives shapes curriculum, policies, and programs, enhancing our children's learning journey. Active parental involvement transforms them into indispensable partners, offering valuable insights and unwavering support. This synergy fosters a cooperative educational environment, empowering communities to take ownership of their educational destinies and nurturing students' success. Let's embrace this approach to build a dynamic, resilient, and brighter future in our education system.


Nebraska faces a pressing concern: its literacy rates demand immediate attention. When we compare our performance with more competitive states, the need to enhance literacy education becomes strikingly evident. It's crucial to invest in comprehensive educator training, equipping them with the tools and knowledge to nurture strong literacy skills in students. Collaborative efforts at various levels, including schools, districts, and communities, are key. Early literacy programs lay a solid foundation, and support for struggling readers with tailored resources is essential.


Yet, addressing literacy extends beyond the classroom; we must cultivate a culture of reading that transcends educational boundaries. Promoting reading as a cherished activity inside and outside the classroom instills a lifelong love for literature, enhances literacy skills, and broadens horizons. Recognizing this, the Nebraska Department of Education must prioritize literacy education, ensuring a brighter future for our students by empowering them with the gift of literacy and the limitless opportunities it opens.


Fiscal responsibility is the cornerstone of Nebraska's education system, safeguarding resources for our students' well-being and advancement. Prudent budgeting and careful expenditure ensure that investments directly benefit student learning and achievement, promoting transparency, accountability, and wise decision-making. This approach prioritizes essentials like instructional materials, teacher development, technology, and facilities. By upholding fiscal responsibility, we empower students to thrive in a changing world, securing their path to success and endless opportunities in our educational system.


Nebraska's teacher shortage poses a critical challenge to our education system. To address this, we must prioritize policies to attract and retain educators by offering competitive compensation, loan forgiveness programs, and alternative certification pathways. Establishing partnerships with local businesses and organizations is also vital, providing mentorship and professional development for teachers. These strategies will fortify our education system and ensure a brighter future for Nebraska's students, empowering educators and securing their path to success.


​In public education, the central goal is to empower students with knowledge and critical thinking skills while nurturing well-informed opinions. However, it's crucial to handle personal narratives like Comprehensive Sex Education (CSE) and Critical Race Theory (CRT) with care, avoiding the imposition of specific beliefs without fostering critical analysis and alternative perspectives. Prioritizing unbiased education creates an environment that champions intellectual freedom, respects diverse viewpoints, and nurtures independent thinkers, enabling students to engage in constructive dialogue and navigate complex topics. By emphasizing unbiased education, we encourage students to form their conclusions through objective information, promoting intellectual curiosity, stimulating healthy discourse, and preparing them to thrive in our diverse and evolving world. This approach honors intellectual diversity, fosters critical thinking, and supports coexistence of various perspectives in our educational landscape.


Preserving America's cultural heritage within Nebraska's education system is vital, fostering students' identity, patriotism, and civic responsibility. By integrating our history, values, and traditions into education, we provide a profound understanding of our nation's foundation and the sacrifices of previous generations. This preservation also strengthens our sense of community and unity.


Our commitment to students extends to equipping them as responsible citizens who uphold America's core principles. This requires a renewed focus on education's foundational pillars: literacy, mathematics, and a deep understanding of the Constitution. Appreciating America for its true essence means preserving the Declaration, defending the Constitution, showing love and respect for fellow citizens, and fighting for our country. Let's rededicate ourselves to this cultural heritage, ensuring it inspires future generations.


A uniform education approach falls short of meeting students' diverse needs and aspirations. To unlock their potential, we should provide tailored, individualized opportunities by expanding access to charter schools and vocational training. Charter schools offer flexible teaching methods, while vocational training equips students with practical skills. Embracing alternative pathways, like specialized arts programs and apprenticeships, creates a more inclusive educational landscape, empowering students to explore their talents and fostering their success. This diversified framework ensures each student can thrive in their chosen path, contributing to a brighter and more prosperous future.

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